Thursday, February 7, 2008

"In the quest for knowledge"

So today in upward bound I learned about what classes I still needed to take to obtain an associates in science. I was surprised to learn that I have alround 32 credits and that I am half way there. I plan on having around 50 credits by graduation next year. That way I only have to be at Rend Lake for a year. Then I'm going to move on to SIUC to get some of my general studies classes out of the way. My plan after that is to try and get into medical school at SIUS in springfield. If I can't get in there I would like to go to U of I or a northern college maybe somewhere close to Chicago. I still have a ways to go but I plan to continue on and better myself. Its a tough road but I plan to stick with it. Don't let things hold you back. Even if you don't have the most money or the best of life now. What you do when you leave home is your choice. You can continue a cycle that causes yuou to end up where your parents are or you can rise above it and make something of yourself. Tommorrow is my grandma's funeral and the last thing she said while I saw her was that she had some really beautiful grand children. I will miss my grandma but she is in a better place with her husband. I'm glad that she doesn't have to suffer anymore. Well thats all I really have to say see you tommorrow or maybe in another life.


Anonymous said...

i'm really sorry about your grandma but it's good that your kind of okay with it :)

and those were some inspirational words.

Anonymous said...

bart, that was very inspirational.
it made me smile inside.

you're a great friend and a very strong man.

i love you.